Swiss Doctor’s “Lost” Fatigue-Fighting Breakthrough

This forgotten remedy fights fatigue… sparks a surge of new energy… and even helps you sleep better – in as little as 14 days!

Thanks to a little-known breakthrough, you can beat fatigue, get greater energy levels, and even sleep better at night. This breakthrough was discovered over 100 years ago. And it was used to help thousands of patients. These patients got greater energy. They got a better sense of well-being. They found that their mood improved. And they even slept better than they had in years!

Indeed, this remedy was so ground-breaking that one of the doctors who pioneered its use won the Nobel Prize for his discovery. With a track record like that, you’d think that every doctor in the country would be using it. But in fact, the exact opposite happened. This remedy fell by the wayside and became all but forgotten. Why?

Since it’s a natural solution, it can’t be patented. And since it can’t be patented, there’s not a lot of money to be made from it. And since there’s not a lot of money to be made, it was discarded in favor of other methods.

Today, few doctors in America have even heard about this breakthrough. And even fewer have used it. But I’ve been using it in my clinic for years. And I’ve seen amazing turnarounds in my patients. In fact, I’ve seen it turn around patients who were so tired they could barely function from day to day. (You’ll be hearing from some of them in a moment.)

What is this powerful fatigue-fighter and energy booster? It’s a method that…

Fights Fatigue at the Root Cause

Adrenal Glands

If you suffer from fatigue, you may have tried all kinds of things to get relief. Maybe you’ve tried supplements like vitamin B12, Ginseng, coenzyme Q10 and others. And maybe you’ve tried energy drinks, energy bars and other stimulants like coffee.

All these things can help. But stimulants like caffeine can lead to an energy crash a few hours later. And supplements don’t always work. Why? Because they don’t always address the root cause of fatigue. And for many people, the root cause is the adrenal glands.

As you may know, your adrenals are two tiny glands that sit above your kidneys. They play many important roles in your body. They produce more than 50 different hormones that help regulate the various organs in your body.

They produce testosterone to help you stay strong and virile. They produce aldosterone which helps control blood pressure. They also produce corticosteroids which assist your immune system and help fight inflammation. But of all the roles the adrenals play, the most important role is to help your body combat stress.

How Stress Leads to Fatigue

Stress Meter

When you get stressed, your body goes into what’s known as “fight or flight” mode. The fight-or-flight mode is your body’s built-in survival mechanism. When faced with a threat, your fight-or-flight mode prepares you to stand and fight or run and escape. Back in ancient times, the fight or flight system is what kept our ancestors alive when they were chased by predators like saber-tooth tigers.

Of course, the days of being chased by saber-tooth tigers are long gone. But there are other stressors that trigger the fight or flight system. And believe it or not, they’re even harder on your adrenals. Why? Because the stressors we face today are non-stop.

We get stressed over our job or career. We get stressed over our finances. We stress and worry over our children and grandchildren. All this worrying and stressing can pull us in a dozen different directions. Even something as “innocuous” as the pinging of cell phones, computers and other devices can cause stress on the body because they don’t stop.

These days we are connected and wired 24/7. As a result, our nervous system never gets a break. And then there are the toxins in our foods and the environment. All of these can lead to a stress response in the body.

And every time one of these stressors hits our body, our adrenals swing into action. They pump out hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. This gives our bodies the quick energy they need to cope with the threat. But if this happens day after day, year after year, it can take a heavy toll on our adrenals.

The result? Our adrenals get overworked and out of whack – and they stop working like they should. What happens when your adrenals get worn out? You feel tired. You get mood swings. You can’t sleep properly. And more.

But here’s good news: fatigue and energy problems don’t have to happen. If you already suffer from any of these problems, you can finally get the relief you may have been searching for. Take my patient Derrick, for example.

Derrick came to my office tired, worn out and forgetful. No matter what he did, he just couldn’t shake his fatigue. So, I decided to check him for adrenal fatigue. To do that, I gave him what’s known as a tilt test. A tilt test measures blood pressure while the patient lies flat and then again right after he stands up.

If the standing blood pressure is lower than the lying pressure, that’s a strong indicator of adrenal fatigue. And sure enough, Derrick’s adrenals weren’t functioning like they should have been. To help bring his adrenals back to health, I knew exactly what to do. I gave him the “lost” fatigue-fighting breakthrough I’ve been telling you about. And when he returned two weeks later, the difference was like night and day.

Derrick greeted me with a big grin on his face. He had greater energy and less fatigue. His mood had improved. His memory was back to normal. And he’d even been for a round of golf with his buddies!

Derrick’s case isn’t unusual. I’ve seen these kinds of rapid turnarounds in dozens of my patients with adrenal fatigue. And as soon as we help nourish their adrenals and bring them back into balance, their fatigue goes away and their energy levels come roaring back.

“Lost” Fatigue-Fighting Breakthrough

So, what is this “lost” fatigue-fighting breakthrough I’ve been talking about? It’s called Glandular Therapy. And it was popularized nearly 100 years ago by a Swiss doctor named Paul Niehans.

Dr Niehans – and glandular therapy – were thrust into the spotlight when he received a frantic phone call from a fellow doctor. During an operation on a woman’s thyroid gland, the surgeon accidentally removed the woman’s parathyroid glands! What should have been a routine procedure turned into a life-or-death situation.

When Dr Niehans arrived at the hospital, the gravity of the situation was clear. The woman was convulsing uncontrollably. So Dr Niehans quickly mixed a solution of saline and the cells from the parathyroid glands of a sheep. He then injected the solution into the patient.

And the result was nothing short of remarkable. Within minutes, the woman’s condition started to improve. Her convulsions started to slow down. And a short while later, they’d stopped completely.

Dr Niehans recommended the patient be given regular injections of the saline and parathyroid solution. But amazingly, she didn’t need any. That single injection given by Dr Niehans kept her healthy and symptom-free! She went on to live well into her 90s. Since that time, thousands of people have benefited from the amazing restorative powers of glandular therapy.

From Royalty to Hollywood Stars

Indeed, glandular therapy even caught the attention of some of society’s most famous people. People like Pope Pius XII, King Ibn Saoud, politician Konrad Adenauer, Hollywood star Charlie Chaplin, and many others all visited Dr Niehans’ clinic on the banks of Lake Geneva.

Dr. Niehans used extracts of thyroid glands to help combat thyroid problems. He used extracts of prostate glands to help against prostate problems. He used extracts of adrenal glands to help against adrenal problems. And so on.

But that’s just the beginning of the story. Other doctors started using glandular therapy, too. And many of them found that it was not necessary to inject the glandular extract. They could just give the extracts to patients orally, and get similar results.

Doctors all over the world became interested in glandular therapy. In 1927, the AMA published a textbook called Glandular Therapy. And in 1950, the Nobel committee awarded the Nobel Prize to Dr. Philip Hench for his research on the therapeutic effects of adrenal hormones.

Fast-forward to today, and the use of glandular therapy is all but forgotten. But, as I mentioned, I use it all the time in my clinic. It’s how I have helped produce almost miraculous results for hundreds of patients like Derrick who I mentioned earlier. And it’s how I’ve helped turnaround thousands of cases of adrenal fatigue for people across America who couldn’t make it to my clinic in person.

How? By sending them a supply of adrenal cortex extract and having them take it orally. Adrenal cortex extract is made by freeze-drying the adrenal glands of cows and then milling them into powder form. By freeze drying them, we’re able to retain all the natural hormones and nutrients in the glands.

The Fastest, Easiest Way to Jump-Start Your Adrenals

Adrenal cortex extract is often the first thing I give to my patients at my clinic. It helps to quickly jump-start the adrenals and give them a boost. But that’s not all. I also give my patients a second nutrient that works alongside adrenal cortex extract.

The Energy Boosting Nutrient That Stunned the World

Gold Medals

In 1993, Chinese athletes stunned the world by breaking five Olympic world records, one after another. What’s also amazing is that before the Olympic Games, all the athletes were virtually unknown to the rest of the world.

As you can imagine, the officials suspected foul play. So, they tested the athletes for banned performance enhancers. But when the results came back, the officials were shocked. All the athletes were completely clean!

When questioned, the Chinese team revealed that they gave their athletes a single nutrient. And by taking this nutrient, the athletes were able to train harder, train longer and perform better. They also had much greater stamina. And they were able to recover faster after punishing workouts.

So Effective, Olympic Teams Wanted It Banned!


When word spread about this natural performance enhancer, other Olympic teams wanted it banned. It gave the Chinese athletes an almost unfair advantage! But because it’s a natural substance, Olympic officials had no choice but to approve it for use as a legal performance enhancer.

When the other Olympic teams caught wind of this, they started giving it to their athletes. And they got amazing results, too. Their athletes performed better. They had less fatigue. They could train harder for longer. And they recovered faster from punishing workouts. Since then, this nutrient has proven to be one of the most effective natural remedies for fatigue and energy problems.

Himalayan Energy Booster


So, what is this amazing energy boosting nutrient?

It’s a mushroom-like plant called cordyceps. Cordyceps grows in the high-altitude region of the Himalayan mountains. Because of these high elevations, it is very difficult to harvest… and very expensive. Indeed, when it was first harvested back in the times of the Chinese Emperors, cordyceps cost four times its weight in silver!

As a result of the high cost to harvest it, only royalty and the upper classes of society could afford it.

But all that changed a few years ago when Chinese researchers discovered a way to grow cordyceps in a lab. This cut the cost and helped bring all the terrific benefits of cordyceps to the average person.

Today, the Sherpas of Mount Everest use it as an energy booster to help climb the mountain. And people like you and me use it to help boost energy levels.

How It Works…

So, how does cordyceps work? Two ways…

First, cordyceps helps support the adrenals. How? Because it’s an adaptogen. As you may know, an adaptogen is something that creates balance within the body. So, if you have too much of one hormone and not enough of another, it helps balance the two out. And it helps keep stress in check. As I mentioned earlier, the adrenals pump out cortisol to help you deal with stress.

But if stress is prolonged and chronic, the adrenals begin to get weaker. Over time, this depletes your body’s levels of cortisol. And when cortisol levels are low, any kind of stressful event can take its toll on your body, organs, and tissues.

Well, the good news is, cordyceps helps your body adapt to stressful events. If your cortisol levels have been depleted, it helps bring your levels back up to cope with the stress.

And second, this is the real amazing part, cordyceps boosts levels of the energy molecule, ATP. ATP is the single most important factor when it comes to energy. Everything we do depends on our levels of this crucial molecule.

So, the more ATP we have, the more energy we have… and the longer we can perform at physical activities. And cordyceps has been tested in clinical studies. Take a look at what some of these studies found…

In one study, researchers took a group of elderly people and put them on exercise bicycles. They then gave half of them cordyceps and gave the other half a dummy pill. At the end of the 6-week trial, they re-tested them all again.

Result: The people taking the dummy pill stayed largely the same. But the people taking cordyceps improved on every single measurement! This included things like how much energy they generated when pedalling on the bicycle… how much oxygen they were able to process… how quickly they could walk a mile and more!

  • In another study, researchers tested the swimming times of a group of rats. They then gave them cordyceps and tested them again. Result? After getting cordyceps, the rats could swim 73% longer.
  • In still another study, researchers found that patients who took cordyceps had an average increase in energy levels by 55%!
  • And in yet another study published in the medical journal, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, researchers found that cordyceps boosts the ability of the cells to process oxygen by 50%!

That’s nothing short of remarkable. Can you imagine what a 50% boost in oxygen utilization can do for your energy? You’d have energy all day, every day. And you’d have much less fatigue too.

Works for 9 out of 10 People

In fact, a study proved just how powerful cordyceps is against fatigue. In the study, researchers gave cordyceps to a group of elderly patients and followed their progress for 30 days. The result? A whopping 92% of them had much less fatigue at the end of the study period!

Another study found that elderly patients who took cordyceps got an almost immediate boost in their aerobic performance. All told, more than 500 scientific studies have been done on cordyceps. And they have shown what an amazing energy booster it is.

And I’ve seen cordyceps work wonders for my patients at my own clinic. Within days, they get a jump in their energy levels. The fatigue that had them tired and weary starts to lift. They’re sleeping better at night and feeling refreshed in the morning. And they’re enjoying all the incredible benefits of having greater energy.

That’s why I always include cordyceps and adrenal cortex extract in the special fatigue-fighting formula I’m going to tell you about today. Using this unique formula helped me beat my own struggles with fatigue. And it’s the exact formula I give to my patients at my clinic.

More Energy at Age 74 Than in My Youth…

Some years ago, I too suffered from fatigue. At the time, I was working long hours at my clinic and not getting much sleep. Plus, I was exercising too much and drinking a lot of coffee. To put it simply, my body was overworked and out of whack. I remember sitting on my couch one afternoon feeling completely exhausted.

The TV was on and I was watching a program I didn’t like. Easy enough to change the channel, right? You’d think so. But even though the channel changer was on the coffee table in front of me, I didn’t have the gumption to reach over and pick it up. In short, I was far too tired and far too cranky. And when I tell this story to my patients, they say to me “doc, that’s just how I feel.”

Fortunately, I was able to overcome my fatigue. And today, at age 74, I have more energy than I did in my 40s. And I hardly ever get tired, even after working long hours and hitting the gym.

A Powerful New Answer
Against Fatigue

Adrenal Bottle

Having used cordyceps and adrenal cortex extract with success in my own struggle with fatigue – and using it on dozens of my own patients – I knew I had to bring a powerful formula to others who suffer with fatigue but can’t make it to my clinic.

That’s why I contacted my friends at Advanced Bionutritionals. And we came up with a unique formulation called Advanced Adrenal Factor. Advanced Adrenal Factor gives you 500mg of adrenal cortex extract and 300mg of cordyceps. Together, these two nutrients can help boost your energy, combat fatigue, help you sleep better, help improve your mood, and more.

But here’s even better news: Advanced Adrenal Factor contains four other nutrients that help support your tired-out adrenals. And I’m going to tell you about them right now, starting with…

The Stress Buster that Boosts Energy and Stamina…


The next nutrient in Advanced Adrenal Factor is one of my favorites for combating adrenal problems and fatigue. And it’s also one of nature’s most powerful stress busters, too.

In a double-blind study, researchers gave a group of people this single nutrient for 8 weeks. To measure its effects on endurance and stamina, they asked the participants to perform bicycle trials. They measured VO2 capacity (oxygen intake and use) before and after the study.

The results? Oxygen intake and use was boosted by 12%, heart rate increased 4%… and endurance levels went up by 23%!

The nutrient I’m talking about is Eleuthero, also known as Siberian ginseng. Eleuthero works 2 ways to help you deal with stress and support your adrenals.

Blocks Stress Hormones Two Ways

First, it helps against the effects of stress hormones in your body. In studies, researchers found that eleuthero attaches to the same receptors as stress hormones. Essentially, it keeps these hormones from flooding through your body, so you get less stressed.

Second, it acts like a timed-release agent for the hormone’s cortisol and adrenaline. Let me explain. When the stress response is triggered, the usual way your body deals with it is to flood your system with a burst of cortisol and adrenaline.

Well, what if there was a way to control the release of these hormones? What if you could help your body release cortisol and adrenaline as and when your body needs it, instead of in a single burst?

With eleuthero, now you can! And in the process, you can help your body better deal with stress and keep from becoming tired and fatigued. As you can see, eleuthero is a terrific nutrient for supporting your adrenals and fighting fatigue and stress. That’s why I included it in Advanced Adrenal Factor.

But that’s not all. I also included another crucial nutrient for keeping stress to a minimum. It’s a powerful herb that’s been proven to cut stress levels by as much as 69%!

2,000-Year-Old Secret for Beating Stress


This next nutrient has been used for over 2,000 years in India. It’s been used as a tonic to boost both energy and endurance.

But its greatest benefits have been found as an aid against stress. And it’s been shown to work in more than 200 different studies. What is this important herb? It’s Ashwagandha.

In a double-blind study, researchers tested ashwagandha on a group of chronically stressed people. At the start of the study, researchers tested all the participants’ stress and cortisol levels.

Then, half of them took a placebo and the other half got ashwagandha. At the end of the study, the researchers tested their stress and cortisol levels again and compared them to their previous scores.

Results? In the group who got the placebo, very little change was seen in their stress and cortisol levels.

Stress and Cortisol Levels Plummet

And what about the people taking the ashwagandha? The results were amazing. The people who took ashwagandha did everything the same as the placebo group. Yet, when the results were tallied, their stress levels fell by 64.2%! And that’s not all. The researchers also found that ashwagandha normalized cortisol levels.

Now, if all you got from ashwagandha was its stress-fighting and cortisol-balancing effects, it would be worth its weight in gold. But the benefits don’t stop there.

In addition to these two important benefits, ashwagandha helps increases levels of DHEA. DHEA is a hormone and helps balance other important hormones. It helps the adrenals produce testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone – three critical hormones for keeping you strong and for maintaining libido.

The result: ashwagandha helps reduce the workload on your adrenals. And by doing so, it keeps the adrenals from burning out and becoming tired. And that’s good news for anyone with adrenal fatigue and energy problems. As a remedy for fighting fatigue, ashwagandha has few equals. That’s why it’s included in Advanced Adrenal Factor.

The Vitamin Deficiency that Makes You Stressed Out

Next, I’m going to tell you about a simple vitamin deficiency. When you have this deficiency, you feel tired and worn out. That’s why it’s important to include this in your adrenal support plan. And it’s exactly why I included it in Advanced Adrenal Factor.

What is this deficiency? It’s Pantothenic acid, more commonly known as Vitamin B5. And whenever I test my patients with adrenal fatigue, they’re almost always deficient in vitamin B5.

And one of the biggest problems a deficiency of B5 can cause is, you’ve guessed it… fatigue! Plus, it can cause other things like sleep problems, mood swings, muscle pain, digestive discomfort, and more.

And studies show that vitamin B5 assists the adrenals in producing stress hormones like cortisol. In one study, researchers took two groups of rats and did an experiment. They gave half of the rat’s vitamin B5 for 9 weeks and the other half got nothing.

Vitamin B5

At the end of the study, the researchers found significantly higher levels of cortisone and progesterone in the adrenal glands of the rat’s that got vitamin B5. And the rats who never got vitamin B5? Levels stayed the same.

And that’s not all. Vitamin B5 helps to boost levels of the “feel-good” hormone dopamine in the brain, so it can help improve mood. And it also helps convert foods into energy within the cells of the body.

And the more energy we can produce, the less fatigue we will have and the more energetic we will be.

As you can see, vitamin B5 is an important nutrient for the adrenals. It helps cut the workload on the adrenals. And by reducing the workload, it helps to repair and rejuvenate these important glands. That’s why it’s included in Advanced Adrenal Factor.

Why Supporting Your Liver Is Also Important

Liver Support

As you may already know, toxins in foods and the environment can overtax the adrenals. And you may also know that it’s your liver’s job to process and eliminate these toxins.

But what you may not know is that your liver and your adrenals are closely linked. Why? Because your liver has to process all the excess adrenalin and cortisol that’s been pumped out of your adrenals.

So, not only does your liver have to process all the toxins that make their way into your body, but it must also mop up hormones, too. As result, your liver can quickly become overworked, tired and sluggish. That’s why whenever you support your adrenals it’s also important to give your liver a helping hand.

Remember a moment ago when I told you how powerful glandular therapy is? Well, the liver is a gland. And so to keep your liver strong, we have included a generous dose of liver concentrate in every serving of Advanced Adrenal Factor. Liver concentrate helps your liver boost its detoxification powers.

Supporting the liver is one of the smartest things we can do when repairing our adrenals. With Advanced Adrenal Factor in your corner, you’ll be doing everything you can to boost the health of your liver, too.

The Sore Throat Remedy that Balances Cortisol Levels


Did you know that the common sore throat remedy Licorice could help balance cortisol levels and support your adrenals? Well, believe it or not, it’s true. Here’s why…

When licorice reaches the intestines, it gets converted into a substance called glycyrrhiza. And glycyrrhiza helps ease the demand on your adrenals by slowing the breakdown of cortisol in the body.

By slowing down the breakdown of cortisol, it helps ease the burden on your liver, too. Did you ever suspect that lowly licorice could assist your body in fighting adrenal problems?

Well, that’s exactly what it does. And that’s exactly why it’s included in Advanced Adrenal Factor.

Complete Adrenal Support in A Single Formula

Advanced Adrenal Factor gives you complete adrenal support in a single formula. It’s the very same formula that helped me overcome my problems with fatigue. And I still take it today.

It’s the very same formula I give to my patients at my clinic who come to me with adrenal fatigue. And since I created Advanced Adrenal Factor, it’s been responsible for improving hundreds of cases of adrenal fatigue.

And through announcements like this one, I’ve been able to restore healthy adrenal function in thousands of people who couldn’t make it to my clinic. People like these…

“My energy came back after 3 days!”

“I have not been feeling very well, had a lot of stress and couldn’t function anymore. After just 3 days of taking Advanced Adrenal Factor, I’m getting my energy back and my life after feeling so drained all the time. Thank-you Advanced Bionutritionals.”

– Lee-Ann P., Canada.  

“Worked almost immediately. It’s amazing!”

“I started taking Advanced Adrenal Factor about a week ago. I decided to take it in hopes of reducing problems trouble getting to sleep and low mood. Almost immediately, I found I was able to fall asleep easily and my mood was quickly improved. This is an amazing product.”

– Sandra F., New Albany, IN.  

“From constant fatigue to feeling great again.”

“I bought this as a last resort for my son. No matter how much sleep he would get, he would always wake up feeling sluggish, foggy headed, like a hangover. He had no energy, battled fatigue all the time. After taking Advanced Adrenal Factor for 3 weeks he is feeling great. He now has energy throughout the day.”

– Sharon S., Harrison, AR  

“Helped reduce symptoms from my allergies.”

Advanced Adrenal Factor is the best adrenal supplement money can buy. I felt constantly drained. I had a multitude of symptoms caused by allergies. But since taking Advanced Adrenal Factor, I feel normal again.”

– Delores E, Damascus, OR.  

“After two weeks, my extreme fatigue was gone!”

“I had extreme fatigue and was unable to do any of my chores or anything fun for that matter. After two weeks of taking Advanced Adrenal Factor, I was sleeping better and was able to get things done when I got up. I’m starting to feel like my old self again! Thank you, Dr Shallenberger!”

– Pat R., Myrtle Beach, SC.  

“Best adrenal solution I’ve ever used.”

“I have been taking Advanced Adrenal Factor daily for four years. I think it’s the best choice on the market. The reason being that Advanced Adrenal Factor combines the herbs, the glandular extracts, the b5 and the licorice all in one. I really can’t say enough good about this product, it has been a godsend to me. Thank you.”

– Douglas G., Santa Margarita, CA.  

Will You Be The Next
Advanced Adrenal Factor
Success Story?

I truly hope so. You see, I’ve been where you may be right now. Tired, lacking energy, no motivation, and niggling health problems as a result of overworked adrenals.

And by taking the 7 nutrients in Advanced Adrenal Factor, I was able to restore my adrenals back to health and enjoy the kind of energy and clarity of mind I had in my younger years.

Think of the Benefits…

Think back to a time when you had energy to burn. You could rush from one thing to the next without getting tired. You were on the go all day, every day, and still had plenty of energy left at the end of the day.

If you exercised it was a source of energy that kept you feeling strong and motivated. And you slept like a baby every night… and bounced out of bed in the morning ready to take on the day.

You were sharp in mind and quick in memory. You had a positive attitude and bags of enthusiasm for your work and your hobbies. And you could run around and keep up with your children or grandchildren.

Well, I want you to be able to do all that again. To have all the energy to do the things you love to do. To feel stronger, have greater stamina, a sharp, agile mind… and to get the sound, restful sleep you need to stay energetic all day, every day. Isn’t that what you want, too? To live your life fully, with all the energy you need to keep up with everyone around you?

Well, all of that is possible when you help support and boost your adrenals, cut stress, boost ATP and nourish your body with the healing nutrients in Advanced Adrenal Factor. And now, we’ve made it even easier for you to put Advanced Adrenal Factor to the test…

Adrenal Supplement Facts

Order Now

Try Advanced Adrenal Factor at The Lowest Price-Per-Bottle, and Get FREE Shipping, Too!

If beating fatigue and bringing your adrenals back into a healthy balance is important to you. If the idea of restoring your youthful energy and boosting your stamina is appealing to you. And if you’d like to help keep your liver healthy, your brain and memory sharp, reduce stress, sleep better every night and just live a more energetic lifestyle, then you owe it to yourself to give Advanced Adrenal Factor a try.

And to make it even easier for you to try Advanced Adrenal Factor, we’re giving you the following guarantee of satisfaction…

Down-to-the-Last-Tablet Guarantee

Adrendal Guarantee

I’m confident that you’ll be overjoyed with Advanced Adrenal Factor and enjoy its benefits for many years. But in the event that it’s not everything I have promised and you expect, then you’re covered by our unique guarantee.

Simply try Advanced Adrenal Factor for 90 days without risk. If it isn’t everything you expect, if you don’t feel a surge in energy… if your fatigue doesn’t lessen and disappear… or if you just don’t like it for any reason, you are completely protected by our “down-to-the-last-pill guarantee.”

Just send it back within 90 days for a full, no-questions-asked refund of every cent you paid. No questions. No hassles. Even if you’ve only taken one tablet or the whole bottle. Just send the empty bottle(s) back within 90 days and you’ll get every cent back. Even shipping and handling!

And by purchasing Advanced Adrenal Factor, you’ll save a whopping $109.72 off the price of buying the ingredients individually.

Order A Month’s Supply of Advanced Adrenal Factor Today…

Adrenal One Bottle

Order a one-month supply of Advanced Adrenal Factor today for just $49.95 plus shipping and handling. That’s just over a $1.67 a day for all the terrific benefits it can offer.

But if you’re like most people, you’ll want to save as much as possible off the standard price of Advanced Adrenal Factor. That being the case, I have an even better offer for you…

Order A 3-Month Supply of Advanced Adrenal Factor and Save 11%!

Adrenal Three Bottle Deal

To bring you the best savings, we’re offering a three-month supply of Advanced Adrenal Factor at an 11% discount off the normal price.

Order today and get it for just $134.85, plus shipping and handling. That’s a saving of $15.00. Plus, when you order a three-month supply, it guarantees that you won’t run out for the next 90 days.

And the savings don’t end there. Because when you order a six-month supply of Advanced Adrenal Factor, you can save BIG.

Order A 6-Month Supply of
Advanced Adrenal Factor
and Save 20%!

If you’re serious about banishing fatigue, boosting your adrenal health, and having the youthful energy you deserve, there’s no better way than to order a 6-month supply of Advanced Adrenal Factor.

It’s the preferred option for most of our customers. This way, they get to save the most money… and it’s more convenient than ordering every month. Ordinarily, a 6-month supply costs $299.70. But by ordering today, you save 20% off the normal price, just $249.00.

Adrenal Six Bottle Deal

Order Now

Every serving you take of Advanced Adrenal Factor gives you only the very best, purest form of the ingredients available. Each ingredient designed to support your overworked adrenals… fight fatigue… boost energy and give you a better sense of wellbeing.

These are the exact combination of nutrients that helped turn my fatigue and exhaustion around. It’s the same combination of nutrients that I give to my patients at my clinic. And they’re the same nutrients that thousands of people just like you rely on daily to help maintain healthy adrenals.

And remember, you risk nothing by giving Advanced Adrenal Factor a try because you’re always covered by the full-money-back 90-day guarantee of satisfaction mentioned previously. So, why delay any further? Your one, three, or six-month supply of Advanced Adrenal Factor is waiting for you now.

More importantly, your life free of adrenal fatigue and energy problems is just a click or short phone call away. Order below or call toll-free now at 1-800-791-3395 to place your order for Advanced Adrenal Factor while it’s still fresh in your mind.

Within just days or weeks, you’ll be enjoying benefits like these…

  • Greater energy and stamina.
  • Less fatigue and healthy adrenal glands.
  • A sense of calmness and improved mood.
  • Better focus and concentration.
  • A sharper brain and memory.
  • And you’ll sleep like a baby every night…

… and you’ll wake up every morning feeling refreshed and energized, ready to take on the day with greater enthusiasm.

All these benefits are waiting for you now. Click below to place your order of Advanced Adrenal Factor today. You have nothing to lose except the fatigue, exhaustion, and lack of energy you’ve been experiencing.

Yours for Vibrant Energy,

Doctor Frank Shallenberger

Dr. Frank Shallenberger M.D.


"My daily energy increased and the fog lifted within less than 3 days. I feel like I'm back!"

- Theresa S., Advanced Adrenal Factor Customer


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Advanced Adrenal Factor Reviews

169 Reviews   |   4.2 Average Rating   |   83% Recommend This Supplement 

good products  *
By David C. (KLAMATH FALLS, OR) - 3/27/2024
It helps with over all extended energy after work. I am not worn out after work like i used to be. It will keep you from sleeping soundly if you take the second daily dose any later than 4 pm. It is best to take in the morning and at lunch time.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
A High Quality Formula to Support the Adrenals *
By DONNA P. (PAHRUMP, NV) - 12/8/2023
Advanced Adrenal Factor really assists the adrenals and I wish I would have ordered long before I did as I am feeling so much better. Thank you.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
Advanced Adrenal *
By Debbie M. (WEST HARRISON, NY) - 11/29/2023
Great! I am 70 and Fatigued... This supplement gives me the energy I need to start my day.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
I Recommend This Product  *
By Daniel L. (Newport Beach, CA) - 9/20/2023
I highly recommend this supplement. Having taken this for a few months now, I feel more energetic, l seem to have more stamina when engaging in physical activities and my mood is calmer in every respect. I am thankful that I have found a supplement that works.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
Advanced Adrenal Factor *
By KATHRYN I J. (Canada ) - 7/19/2023
I purchased this product because I was experiencing excessive stress and starting to have what I call "Brain Farts". Since taking it, things have improved substantially. It definitely lowers my stress level. I would recommend it to others with the same problem. I am 63.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
I like this product. *
By RANDALL G. (Jacksonville, FL) - 7/5/2023
At my age, I need every edge I can get.. I'm still hitting the gym twice a week.. Advanced Adrenal Factor does make a difference.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
* Above are actual reviews from our customers. These customer’s statements may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. The reviews should not be taken as the results a typical user will get. Your results may vary.


  • Dr. Frank Shallenberger is compensated by Advanced Bionutritionals for his work in formulating and endorsing this product.
  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent a disease.
Advanced Bionutritionals® products are manufactured in the USA from globally sourced ingredients by Formulation Technology, Inc.

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